Solr Exchange is a series of one-day events hosted by LucidWorks to bring 
together Solr users and developers from a given area to learn how local 
companies are working with Solr. The first Exchange is planned for Washington, 
DC on April 16, with more cities and dates to follow.

I am writing to request approval of the use of Apache marks in support of Solr 
Exchange: DC.

*         ORGANIZER: Solr Exchange events are organized by LucidWorks.

*         DATE(S): Solr Exchange: DC is scheduled for April 16, 2014

*         PMC INVOLVEMENT: LucidWorks has on its staff 9 Lucene/Solr committers 
who are actively involved in the planning of the event and educational program.

*         MARKS REQUESTED: We are requesting approval for use of "Solr."

*         ASF COMMUNITY PARTNER LISTING: The event obtains sponsorships from 
partner technology companies and implementation/educational companies. All 
sponsors are listed on the event listing on<>. The ASF would be listed on that page as 
a community sponsor.

*         EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM SELECTION: The Solr Exchange: DC educational 
program is curated from regional companies using Solr. The LucidWorks Customer 
Success and Professional Services teams are hands-on with these companies and 
have nominated a select few to present their use cases and learning experiences 
from their Solr deployment. All nominations are reviewed by our on-staff PMC 
members and companies are invited to present.

*         PROFIT/NON-PROFIT: The event is not for profit. There is no admission 

Thank you very much for your consideration, and please do not hesitate to 
contact me if you have questions or would like additional information. I look 
forward to your reply.



Megan Bucks | Marketing | LucidWorks
(415) 601-3632<tel:%28415%29%20601-3632> (mobile)<>

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