Hello Chenqiang,

there are swoop specific email distribution lists that you should subscribe to.
Please have a look at this page : http://sqoop.apache.org/mail-lists.html

I am sure there will be interest in your contribution.


On Mar 12, 2014, at 3:04 AM, Chenqiang <chenqi...@nhn.com> wrote:

> Dear Sir,
> Thank the Sqoop Apache
> team to contribute for this project. We enjoy the tool which can transfer data
> between relation database and Apache Hadoop.
> Our Corporation is
> Korea’s premier Internet Company, There are a
> large number of database as well as vast amounts of data. We often need to get
> the data from the Apache Hadoop migrated to a relational database, or from
> relational database migration to Hadoop. Apache Sqoop provides convenient and
> efficient for us. We love it deeply.
> Our organization
> should be willing to make some contribution for the Apache Sqoop. We could
> expand the Sqoop to support CUBRID database. And submit our JDBC and interface
> into Sqoop. If the Sqoop official web and document has the information which
> support our CUBRID. That is excellent. Looking forward to more consultation
> with you.
> I don't know what
> to send you this mail is correct. If sending wrong, Please help me to forward
> or tell me the correct the email address of the recipient.
> Looking forward to
> your reply.
> Best regards 
> Chenqiang
> NHN China | Email:
> chenqi...@nhn.com
> Appendix
>       Our Corporation
>       http://www.navercorp.com/
> http://www.naver.com/
>       CUBRID is comprehensive open source
> relational database.
>       http://www.cubrid.org/

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