Branko Čibej wrote:
I don't know where you got this, but it definitely is not true that
every PMC chair is a member. This is not even a requirement.

Sure. I became PMC chair before being voted in as a member, for example.

It is
possible and reasonable that an entire project community contains not a
single ASF member, only committers. Certainly, members must be involved
during incubation, but there's no requirement for them to stay on the
project once it has graduated.

This seems less likely. A cursory look at
seems to confirm that (almost! apparently vcl-pmc does not; but a smart LDAP query is probably better than me at checking that) all PMCs do contain at least a member. I remember that when OpenOffice graduated someone noted that only a couple of PMC members were already ASF members, and I assume that the same check is done on other projects, even if it is not a formal requirement.


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