Dear Sir, Madam,

I believe you intended this message to be for the community of the Apache
Cordova project.

Please subscibe to their dev mailing list by sending an email to
See here (

This mailing list ( is intended to discuss the
development of the communities of the projects under the umbrella of the
Apache Software Foundation. It doesn't involve the development of the works
of the Apache projects.

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

Services & Solutions for Cloud-
Based Manufacturing, Professional
Services and Retail & Trade

On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 4:30 PM, SealMedia Global <
> wrote:

> Dear Sir,
> I hope this mail finfs you well.
> Npm - NodeJs Package Manager - forces developers to use the latest
> Cordova file sets;
> even if they are in their beta version. The (cordova.js) in Cordova
> 3.6.3, the latest I've
> downloaded as of this date, is much much smaller in size (61 Kb) as
> compared to the (cordova.js) in Cordova 2.8.0 (219 Kb)
> The reduction of size means that many items
> have been deleted/ removed from the latest release - Specifically the
> Network State section... i.e. when there is no internet connection, it
> should Not say that the page can not be displayed - It should alert
> users in advance like it was before.
> Kindly get back to me as soon as you can.
> Kind regards.

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