+1 from an observer.

There is much to favor in the least that can possibly work, especially since it 
will inspire consolidation around requirements and what folks want next without 
serious front-loading.

Daniel's approach fits that model and delivers something that is visibly 
maintainable.  The opportunity to gradually organize and reconcile the 
dataflows into something that is possibly more coherent and direct, without 
throwing big switches anywhere, is even more inspiration for +1. 

 -- Dennis E. Hamilton
    dennis.hamil...@acm.org    +1-206-779-9430
    https://keybase.io/orcmid  PGP F96E 89FF D456 628A
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-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Gruno [mailto:humbed...@apache.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 06:19
To: dev@community.apache.org
Subject: Re: projects.apache.org overhaul proposal

On 2015-01-14 14:40, Rich Bowen wrote:
> On 01/14/2015 06:48 AM, Daniel Gruno wrote:
>> Hi folks,
[ ... ]
> This is really cool stuff, and answers many of the questions that I go 
> hunting for every time I do a presentation about the ASF. I'm *sure* 
> I'll have feature requests going forward.
>> So, comments, feedback, questions, anything is most welcome, especially
>> comments on whether you:
>> 1) think comdev should be responsible for the projects directory
>> 2) think the proposal looks good/swell/nifty/whatever.
[ ... ]
The site itself is 100% static HTML+JavaScript, I haven't added any 
arcane Lua/PHP/whatever scripts to it ;).
For the import and maintenance of data such a committer names, reporting 
cycles and current chairs, there are 7 small python scripts that convert 
existing data to JSON, some of which will need to run as cron jobs.
[ ... ]

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