On 16 January 2015 at 17:51, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:

> Hope you like it.

I like it. A lot.  And laugh-out loud funny (well, I thought, anyway).

I'm imagining everyone attending a barcamp or ApacheCon solemnly standing
up and repeating that oath...

Good job, +1


> -Alex
> The Committer Oath
> I, _________, promise to properly record the licensing and copyright of
> any code I commit, treat all committers equally, use the mailing list for
> communicating with others, only veto code with technical explanations,
> help users, fix bugs, and represent myself and not my employer in my
> actions.
> The PMC Member Oath (assumes you’ve memorized the Committer Oath already).
> I, _________, promise to ensure the correct licensing and copyright of the
> content of releases, treat all PMC members and committers equally, seek
> consensus before voting, identify others whose meritorious actions deserve
> inclusion as committers or PMC members, and use the private mailing list
> only for discussions about people,
> - The Laws of Apache -
> Apache Releases:
> -Are free
> -Are PGP-signed
> -On dist.apache.org
> -Approved by majority vote
> -Do not contain compiled code.
> -Contain scripts to compile any source that needs compilation.
> -Contain correct LICENSE and NOTICE files
> Apache Source Code:
> -Is recorded in SVN or Git.
> -Is not on GitHub (that’s a copy).
> -Is available to the public
> -Contains correct headers
> -Is licensed under an approved license
> -Does not depend on external code under certain licenses.
> Apache Binary Packages:
> -make the Release Manager liable
> -contain LICENSE and NOTICE
> The Apache Anthem (to the tune of “My Country Tis of Thee” or “God Save
> the Queen”)
> A-pach-e code for free
> Source zip and tar.gz
> Signed PGP.
> License and Copyright
> NOTICE files in sight.
> 3 plus-1 vote majority
> No binary
> Please get those headers right
> Plus how to build it right
> Check dependencies
> Source in Subversion tree
> Or Git Repositry
> On servers in Apa-a-che
> Legal history

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