Opening a new thread...

Git without Github is like sex without a partner, sufficient but not very
satisfactory. Github option has been explored in the past, and due to
various reasons, it was not possible to achieve.

But, during my last 2-3 year absence, has the GitLab[1] option been
discussed and/or tried? GitLab is open sourced, can run on our infra and
has many of the essential features of Github.
But perhaps people are satisfied enough with the Github mirroring that is
already in place, but with GitLab in house, we could (in theory) add
features around licensing (like ICLA style assurance, similar to Jira), and
non-committers could(!) be allowed a direct route to the horse's mouth...

Although the Enterprise system cost money, my guess is that GitLab would be
happy to waive fees and give us access to EE.

Just a thought.


Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer - New Energy for Java

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