Hi Sally,

I am sure Ross and few others from ComDev will also be there at ApacheCon and 
should be able to provide details on GSoC at ASF. I will be there as well and 
also have a talk accepted on the same topic - http://sched.co/2P6f 

Please let me know if you would like to promote anything specific on GSoC, I 
will be happy to help and will appreciate your efforts. 


> On Mar 12, 2015, at 1:59 PM, Ulrich Stärk <u...@spielviel.de> wrote:
> Perfect, thanks!
> Cheers,
> Uli
> On 2015-03-12 18:57, Sally Khudairi wrote:
>> Got it. OK.
>> Let me pull something together and get back to you in a day or so. Does that 
>> work for you?
>> Cheers,
>> Sally
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Ulrich Stärk <u...@spielviel.de>
>> *To:* Sally Khudairi <s...@apache.org>; "pr...@apache.org" <pr...@apache.org>
>> *Cc:* "dev@community.apache.org" <dev@community.apache.org>
>> *Sent:* Thursday, 12 March 2015, 13:54
>> *Subject:* Re: ASF accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of 
>> Code 2015
>> Hi Sally,
>> yes, I'm the GSoC lead again.
>> I don't know who from ComDev will be at ApacheCon but I guess at least Ross 
>> will. There's nothing
>> planned at the moment.
>> Cheers,
>> Uli
>> On 2015-03-12 18:42, Sally Khudairi wrote:
>>> Thanks, Uli.
>>> I did post about it in our weekly news round-up.
>>> Happy to work with you on a press release. Who is the ASF lead on GSoC. You?
>>> Who from ComDev will be at ApacheCon? Are you planning to do something 
>>> special there?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Sally
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* Ulrich Stärk <u...@spielviel.de <mailto:u...@spielviel.de> 
>>> <mailto:u...@spielviel.de <mailto:u...@spielviel.de>>>
>>> *To:* "pr...@apache.org <mailto:pr...@apache.org> <mailto:pr...@apache.org 
>>> <mailto:pr...@apache.org>>" <pr...@apache.org <mailto:pr...@apache.org> 
>>> <mailto:pr...@apache.org <mailto:pr...@apache.org>>>;
>> Sally Khudairi <s...@apache.org <mailto:s...@apache.org> 
>> <mailto:s...@apache.org <mailto:s...@apache.org>>>
>>> *Cc:* "dev@community.apache.org <mailto:dev@community.apache.org> 
>>> <mailto:dev@community.apache.org <mailto:dev@community.apache.org>>" 
>>> <dev@community.apache.org <mailto:dev@community.apache.org>
>> <mailto:dev@community.apache.org <mailto:dev@community.apache.org>>>
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, 12 March 2015, 13:31
>>> *Subject:* Re: ASF accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer 
>>> of Code 2015
>>> And again recycling this. I think we missed 2014 so I want to make sure to 
>>> get an announcement out
>>> this year.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Uli
>>> On 2013-04-09 14:11, Ulrich Stärk wrote:
>>>> Recycling last years email on the topic. All dates and links updated. It 
>>>> would be cool if we could
>>>> get this out asap. Is there anything else you need?
>>>> Uli
>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>> Subject: Apache Software Foundation accepted as a mentoring organization 
>>>> for Google Summer of Code
>>> 2012
>>>> Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2012 23:21:40 +0100
>>>> From: Ulrich Stärk <u...@spielviel.de <mailto:u...@spielviel.de> 
>>>> <mailto:u...@spielviel.de <mailto:u...@spielviel.de>> 
>>>> <mailto:u...@spielviel.de <mailto:u...@spielviel.de>
>> <mailto:u...@spielviel.de <mailto:u...@spielviel.de>>>>
>>>> To: pr...@apache.org <mailto:pr...@apache.org> <mailto:pr...@apache.org 
>>>> <mailto:pr...@apache.org>> <mailto:pr...@apache.org 
>>>> <mailto:pr...@apache.org> <mailto:pr...@apache.org 
>>>> <mailto:pr...@apache.org>>>
>>>> CC: dev@community.apache.org <mailto:dev@community.apache.org> 
>>>> <mailto:dev@community.apache.org <mailto:dev@community.apache.org>> 
>>>> <mailto:dev@community.apache.org <mailto:dev@community.apache.org>
>> <mailto:dev@community.apache.org <mailto:dev@community.apache.org>>>
>>>> Hey Sally & Co.,
>>>> this year we won't forget to provide you with some infos on our GSoC 
>>>> endeavours. Yesterday, we have
>>>> been accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2015 
>>>> [1],[2]. This means that
>>>> over the summer, our committers will mentor students that are sponsored by 
>>>> Google and will be
>>>> working on our projects. The program helps us not only to get some code 
>>>> written but also to
>>>> introduce students into open source development and hopefully recruit some 
>>>> new long-term committers.
>>>> More information on the program is available at [3]. Students are now 
>>>> encouraged to discuss ideas
>>>> with the respective projects and begin drafting proposals. An extensive 
>>>> list of already existing
>>>> project ideas is available at [4]. The actual application phase is from 
>>>> March 16 until March 27,
>>> coding
>>>> will take place from May 25 to August 21. See [5] for the detailed 
>>>> timeline.
>>>> Can you please run any press release past us (dev@community.apache.org 
>>>> <mailto:dev@community.apache.org>
>> <mailto:dev@community.apache.org <mailto:dev@community.apache.org>>
>>> <mailto:dev@community.apache.org <mailto:dev@community.apache.org> 
>>> <mailto:dev@community.apache.org <mailto:dev@community.apache.org>>>) 
>>> before publishing?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Uli
>>>> [1] http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2015 
>>>> <http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2015>
>>>> [2] http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/org2/google/gsoc2015/apache 
>>>> <http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/org2/google/gsoc2015/apache>
>>>> [3] 
>>>> http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/document/show/gsoc_program/google/gsoc2015/help_page
>>>> <http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/document/show/gsoc_program/google/gsoc2015/help_page>
>>>> [4] http://s.apache.org/gsoc2015ideas <http://s.apache.org/gsoc2015ideas>
>>>> [5] http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/events/google/gsoc2015 
>>>> <http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/events/google/gsoc2015>

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