Hi Ross --a quick follow-up on this.
As you may have been following our emails, we're aiming to issue the ASF press 
release tomorrow. How would you like to go about integrating the TEALs angle? 
Should this be something we work around for ApacheCon? Or did you have 
something else in mind?
I'm happy to take the conversation off-list whilst we sort out the details.
Thanks again,Sally

      From: Ross Gardler (MS OPEN TECH) <ross.gard...@microsoft.com>
 To: Sally Khudairi <sallykhuda...@yahoo.com>; "dev@community.apache.org" 
Cc: Sally Khudairi <s...@apache.org>; "pr...@apache.org" <pr...@apache.org> 
 Sent: Thursday, 12 March 2015, 16:15
 Subject: RE: ASF accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of 
Code 2015
#yiv2540344698 #yiv2540344698 -- _filtered #yiv2540344698 
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#yiv2540344698 span.yiv2540344698MsoHyperlink 
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{color:purple;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv2540344698 pre 
span.yiv2540344698HTMLPreformattedChar {font-family:Consolas;}#yiv2540344698 
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.yiv2540344698MsoChpDefault {font-size:10.0pt;} _filtered #yiv2540344698 
{margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;}#yiv2540344698 div.yiv2540344698WordSection1 
{}#yiv2540344698 I’m around until the end of next week    Microsoft Open 
Technologies, Inc.
A subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation    

From: Sally Khudairi [mailto:sallykhuda...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 1:15 PM
To: Ross Gardler (MS OPEN TECH); dev@community.apache.org
Cc: Sally Khudairi; pr...@apache.org
Subject: Re: ASF accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 
2015    Thanks, Ross.    I'd like to explore this further with you. When do you 
leave the country?    Chat soon,  Sally    [From the mobile; please excuse 
top-posting, spelling/spacing errors, and brevity]    ----- Reply message -----
From: "Ross Gardler (MS OPEN TECH)" <ross.gard...@microsoft.com>
To: "dev@community.apache.org" <dev@community.apache.org>
Cc: "Sally Khudairi" <s...@apache.org>, "pr...@apache.org" <pr...@apache.org>
Subject: ASF accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2015
Date: Thu, Mar 12, 2015 15:56 

 Sally we could weave this into the diversity angle, as a reminder I intend to 
use the state of the feather to acknowledge that we have mostly failed to move 
the needle on diversity in our community, that very little works (GSoC is a 
good example of something that does work), accept we don’t have significant 
cash resources to make a big difference and therefore we have invited TEALs to 
present, organize a BOF and have a table in the expo area. TEALs help get 
people like our vast army of volunteers into high schools to help improve CS 
education. My hope is that by supporting activities like this we can have a 
small impact on the quality and breadth of CS education for those coming to us 
as contributors in later years.    What do you think? If this works for you I 
could link you to the TEALs people to help with content for a blog.    Oh, and 
I will be at ApacheCon.    Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. A subsidiary of 
Microsoft Corporation    -----Original Message----- From: Suresh Marru 
[mailto:sma...@apache.org]  Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 12:50 PM To: 
dev@community.apache.org Cc: Sally Khudairi; pr...@apache.org Subject: Re: ASF 
accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2015    Hi 
Sally,    I am sure Ross and few others from ComDev will also be there at 
ApacheCon and should be able to provide details on GSoC at ASF. I will be there 
as well and also have a talk accepted on the same topic - http://sched.co/2P6f 
<http://sched.co/2P6f>     Please let me know if you would like to promote 
anything specific on GSoC, I will be happy to help and will appreciate your 
efforts.     Suresh    > On Mar 12, 2015, at 1:59 PM, Ulrich Stärk 
<u...@spielviel.de> wrote: >  > Perfect, thanks! >  > Cheers, >  > Uli >  > On 
2015-03-12 18:57, Sally Khudairi wrote: >> Got it. OK. >>  >> Let me pull 
something together and get back to you in a day or so. Does that work for you? 
>>  >> Cheers, >> Sally >>  >>  >> 
--------------------------------------------------------------------- >> 
------------------------------- >> *From:* Ulrich Stärk <u...@spielviel.de> >> 
*To:* Sally Khudairi <s...@apache.org>; "pr...@apache.org"  >> 
<pr...@apache.org> >> *Cc:* "dev@community.apache.org" 
<dev@community.apache.org> >> *Sent:* Thursday, 12 March 2015, 13:54 >> 
*Subject:* Re: ASF accepted as a mentoring organization for Google  >> Summer 
of Code 2015 >>  >> Hi Sally, >>  >> yes, I'm the GSoC lead again. >>  >> I 
don't know who from ComDev will be at ApacheCon but I guess at  >> least Ross 
will. There's nothing planned at the moment. >>  >> Cheers, >>  >> Uli >>  >> 
On 2015-03-12 18:42, Sally Khudairi wrote: >>> Thanks, Uli. >>>  >>> I did post 
about it in our weekly news round-up. >>>  >>> Happy to work with you on a 
press release. Who is the ASF lead on GSoC. You? >>>  >>> Who from ComDev will 
be at ApacheCon? Are you planning to do something special there? >>>  >>> 
Cheers, >>> Sally >>>  >>> 
-------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> 
-------------------------------- >>> *From:* Ulrich Stärk <u...@spielviel.de 
<mailto:u...@spielviel.de>  >>> <mailto:u...@spielviel.de 
<mailto:u...@spielviel.de>>> >>> *To:* "pr...@apache.org 
<mailto:pr...@apache.org>  >>> <mailto:pr...@apache.org 
<mailto:pr...@apache.org>>"  >>> <pr...@apache.org <mailto:pr...@apache.org> 
<mailto:pr...@apache.org  >>> <mailto:pr...@apache.org>>>; >> Sally Khudairi 
<s...@apache.org <mailto:s...@apache.org>  >> <mailto:s...@apache.org 
<mailto:s...@apache.org>>> >>> *Cc:* "dev@community.apache.org 
<mailto:dev@community.apache.org>  >>> <mailto:dev@community.apache.org 
<mailto:dev@community.apache.org>>"  >>> <dev@community.apache.org 
<mailto:dev@community.apache.org> >> <mailto:dev@community.apache.org 
<mailto:dev@community.apache.org>>> >>> *Sent:* Thursday, 12 March 2015, 13:31 
>>> *Subject:* Re: ASF accepted as a mentoring organization for Google  >>> 
Summer of Code 2015 >>>  >>> And again recycling this. I think we missed 2014 
so I want to make  >>> sure to get an announcement out this year. >>>  >>> 
Cheers, >>>  >>> Uli >>>  >>> On 2013-04-09 14:11, Ulrich Stärk wrote: >>>> 
Recycling last years email on the topic. All dates and links  >>>> updated. It 
would be cool if we could get this out asap. Is there anything else you need? 
>>>>  >>>> Uli >>>>  >>>> -------- Original Message -------- >>>> Subject: 
Apache Software Foundation accepted as a mentoring  >>>> organization for 
Google Summer of Code >>> 2012 >>>> Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2012 23:21:40 +0100 >>>> 
From: Ulrich Stärk <u...@spielviel.de <mailto:u...@spielviel.de>  >>>> 
<mailto:u...@spielviel.de <mailto:u...@spielviel.de>>  >>>> 
<mailto:u...@spielviel.de <mailto:u...@spielviel.de> >> 
<mailto:u...@spielviel.de <mailto:u...@spielviel.de>>>> >>>> To: 
pr...@apache.org <mailto:pr...@apache.org>  >>>> <mailto:pr...@apache.org 
<mailto:pr...@apache.org>>  >>>> <mailto:pr...@apache.org 
<mailto:pr...@apache.org>  >>>> <mailto:pr...@apache.org 
<mailto:pr...@apache.org>>> >>>> CC: dev@community.apache.org 
<mailto:dev@community.apache.org>  >>>> <mailto:dev@community.apache.org 
<mailto:dev@community.apache.org>>  >>>> <mailto:dev@community.apache.org 
<mailto:dev@community.apache.org> >> <mailto:dev@community.apache.org 
<mailto:dev@community.apache.org>>> >>>>  >>>> Hey Sally & Co., >>>>  >>>> this 
year we won't forget to provide you with some infos on our  >>>> GSoC 
endeavours. Yesterday, we have been accepted as a mentoring  >>>> organization 
for Google Summer of Code 2015 [1],[2]. This means  >>>> that over the summer, 
our committers will mentor students that are  >>>> sponsored by Google and will 
be working on our projects. The program helps us not only to get some code 
written but also to introduce students into open source development and 
hopefully recruit some new long-term committers. >>>> More information on the 
program is available at [3]. Students are  >>>> now encouraged to discuss ideas 
with the respective projects and  >>>> begin drafting proposals. An extensive 
list of already existing  >>>> project ideas is available at [4]. The actual 
application phase is  >>>> from March 16 until March 27, >>> coding >>>> will 
take place from May 25 to August 21. See [5] for the detailed timeline. >>>>  
>>>> Can you please run any press release past us  >>>> 
(dev@community.apache.org <mailto:dev@community.apache.org> >> 
<mailto:dev@community.apache.org <mailto:dev@community.apache.org>> >>> 
<mailto:dev@community.apache.org <mailto:dev@community.apache.org> 
<mailto:dev@community.apache.org <mailto:dev@community.apache.org>>>) before 
publishing? >>  >>  >>  >>>>  >>>> Thanks, >>>>  >>>> Uli >>>>  >>>> [1] 
http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2015  >>>> 
<http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2015> >>>> [2] 
http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/org2/google/gsoc2015/apache  >>>> 
<http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/org2/google/gsoc2015/apache> >>>> [3]  >>>> 
http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/document/show/gsoc_program/googl >>>> 
e/gsoc2015/help_page  >>>> 
<http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/document/show/gsoc_program/goog >>>> 
le/gsoc2015/help_page> [4] http://s.apache.org/gsoc2015ideas  >>>> 
<http://s.apache.org/gsoc2015ideas> >>>> [5] 
http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/events/google/gsoc2015  >>>> 


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