On Saturday, April 18, 2015, Shane Curcuru <a...@shanecurcuru.org> wrote:

> We had a great session, and a lot of energy, hopefully we can make some
> progress.  One note: this needs to be a comdev PMC project, and we need
> to really plan the data part out if we want to be successful.

Yeah we had a great discussion,  but the original goal got lost in all kind
of technical details (which was actually interesting)

the original discussion was something like "how do I find related projects
to contribute to?" and I believe the nice graph is part of that solution
but not the whole solution. I believe we could in addition use a "ebay"
page, where projects can make small advertisements about a problem or sub
project they need solved. There are probably committers in other projects
who fancy solving it and an advert might make them interested in the

> Note that projects-new.a.o is the planned future replacement for
> projects.a.o - there are *significant* differences, so you need to look
> at the About page and the source repo.  In particular, the new site uses
> it's own new JSON generated sources which (I think) will no longer use
> the DOAPs.
> In particular, Infra currently does *not* consider either the data
> gathering (i.e. populating the JSON behind the projects-new site) nor
> the visualizations (current or ones we want to build) as core supported
> services.  So whatever we build needs to be maintained by this PMC to
> start with.

which is similar to today.

jan i

> Also, Link dump of useful related bits: ----------------
> Old service, based on crappy cron jobs and DOAP files from projects:
> https://projects.apache.org/
> New service, soon to be infra supported, relying on JSON data generated
> by infra on a regular schedule:
> https://projects-new.apache.org/
> Useful PMC chair report helper, that surfaces a number of different
> statistics about your PMC(s), including mailing list stats,
> PMC/committer changes, some software releases, etc. etc. (Members have
> visibility to all PMCs):
> https://reporter.apache.org
> Rob Weir (AOO, Member) used to do some visualization stuff and might
> have code ideas:
> http://www.robweir.com/blog/2013/05/mapping-apache.html
> Ken Coar's old mailing list stats page:
> https://people.apache.org/~coar/mlists.html
> The AOO project wrote a mailing list visualizer for who talks to whom:
> https://blogs.apache.org/OOo/entry/visualizing_the_aoo_dev_list
> Some outside statistics FLOSSmole generated about Apache communities and
> lists:
> http://flossmole.org/category/tags/apache
> Random other interesting analytics:
> The Subversion project has the "contribulyzer"
> - Shane

Sent from My iPad, sorry for any misspellings.

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