Inspired by Rich's work on the script I have just completed a 
somewhat useful webapp. My initial focus was to address the two pain points 
Rich identified with his script:

1)      Need to manually filter results to remove false positives

2)      Scheduling tweets

I tackled the first one by making it a crowdsourced thing (i.e.  events are 
imported into a database and anyone can mark it as not applicable). For the 
second I've provided an easy way to submit tweets to twitter and bufferapp (an 
application I use for scheduling tweets, free accounts are available).

For this to be truly usable (especially item 1) we need to deploy it to a 
running server somewhere. I don't really want to do that until I've put a rate 
limit on the number of times an import from can be performed (since 
this is using Rich's personal key). However, it is workable right now and 
personally I believe it already provides a significant performance improvement 
for the tweets feature.

It's in SVN ( the readme should 
be enough to get you going. It's a couple of Docker containers so you will need 
to install Docker. I'd really appreciate contributions and will be happy to 
help clarify anything needed to get you up and running.




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