Hiya folks,

I'm the "lucky person" in charge of moving the some 350 projects from Google Code to SourceForge. This will happen over the course of next week, save some freak accident occurs, however, SourceForge is not Google Code, and as such, there are a few things we need to consider:

- I will create an admin account that will initially own all the imported projects. This can/will be shared with the ComDev PMC. - Someone (not me!!) will have to step up and help out with delegating read/write access to the new repos on SourceForge. - Preferably, someone will have to go through the giant list of projects, and select those we'll import. This is not strictly necessary, but if someone volunteers for this, that'd be super duper.

The most important thing is that we are able to delegate write access to the devs (and do so!), so this does not simply become a big data dump that just sits there. If any of you are interested in taking on that task (preferably more than one person), please do speak up :)

With regards,

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