Niclas Hedhman wrote:
It is useful that this kind of feedback reaches ComDev, so projects learn
from each other and can make informed decisions.

As Jan and me have written several times, OpenOffice moved its "Extras" area (which, in the OpenOffice case, consists simply in a binary file repository for some build dependencies) to SourceForge months ago.

In the OpenOffice case SourceForge was a natural choice anyway since they host the OpenOffice binary downloads and they are quite reliable from a technical point of view.

Of course, the SourceForge reputation incidents were discussed at length on the OpenOffice lists (even though OpenOffice was unaffected at all; they were discussed as a matter of principle) and you can find everything in the archives. I'll note that they fixed the issue they had caused: and they also implemented better control on the ads they display. I'm confident they have learnt to behave.


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