I wonder if the person would have had the same speediness in reply, when
she wouldn't have included the email address of the dev@c.a.o.

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

*OFBiz Extensions Marketplace*

On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 4:15 PM, Boku Customer Support <
supp...@boku.zendesk.com> wrote:

> # Please type your reply above this line #
> We have provided a solution for your issue. Please take a moment to review
> your ticket and feel free to reply to reopen it if you have further
> questions: http://boku.zendesk.com/requests/20769217
> ----------------------------------------------
> Magdalena, Oct 7, 03:15
> Hello Elena,
> Thank you for your email.
> Please bear in mind that our company is called Boku (http://www.boku.com)
> and we are a mobile billing system. We cooperate with different game and
> service providers in cases when a user makes mobile payments but we do not
> develop or distribute any applications. If you believe that you were
> charged for a purchase made through our billing system, please share with
> us you mobile number and country prefix, so we can check it for you. If you
> are located in Macedonia, we can confirm that we don't support this country
> and its mobile carriers, therefore we believe that we won't show any
> records with your mobile number once provided.
> Please verify the email address you wanted actually to contact regarding
> your case. We are sorry to hear about your issue and hope you can contact
> the correct email address to the developers of the application you
> mentioned in your email.
> Kind regards,
> The Customer Support Team
> ----------------------------------------------
> Dev, Oct 7, 02:02
> Good afternoon all
> I'm writing this mail to your company  because I did not get a proper
> answer from the company that you made the app for ,MY VIP APPLICATION.
> I'm writing for an app that was created by your company for a Macedonian
> telephone operator called VIP.
> The app that they promote to their users is complete mess, they promote
> online Payments within the app but the truth is that is not enough
> developed.
> This is the case: I Elena Antevska was trying to pay my telephone bill
> online within the MY VIP APP and all went fine EXCEPT that the app dis not
> register my payment immediately, instead it said that my payment will be
> seen within 24 hours. That didn't make any sense because afterwards I was
> not able to see anywhere that I made the payment, neither a confirmation
> email was sent to me. On top the best part was that VIP customer services
> and technical support were not able to confirm that the payment was made...
> How RUDE. The operator answer was: We can't see any payment,the system app
> is made like that, we can see after 24 h... EXCUSE ME. My phone was off
> line and they are telling me that I can't be ON again after 24hours because
> of the system app process.
> Do they realize what this mean 24 h after you pay the bill you get your
> benefits of using the phone again.... if any emergency occur and no line is
> on ,and in reality  all bills are payed but no service is provided ????
> Please I need an answer on this question if you're able to answer me.!
> Than you in advance for your kind cooperation
> Best Regards
> Elena Antevska
> Sent from my iPhone
> --------------------------------
> This email is a service from Boku Customer Support.

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