Hi All,

I attended Apache Con Europe (big data and core) two weeks ago and a couple of 
us were floating the idea of getting an ApacheCon Africa to happen.  We were 
talking South Africa specifically given our origins but in general the 
continent’s awake to tech and open source and S. Africa’s just one part.

The essence of our discussions distilled down to  - make a monetary business 
case for it and it could happen - so I just wanted to stick this out there so 
the idea could maybe start to evolve…

Reasons for it to happen:
 - There are a bunch of apache committers in S. Africa but honestly it’s super 
expensive for us to get to any ApacheCon elsewhere (flip side - it’s cheap to 
come to us)
 - It’s a stunning venue!
 - S. Africa’s the gateway to Africa in so much as importing tech is concerned 
(Nigeria and others aren’t waiting for the world but are just inventing their 
own<http://fossfa.net/> (Free software and open source foundation for Africa) :)
 - There are big tech projects happening and more coming: i.e things to get 
involved in / things to expose to ASF
Eg: The Square Kilometer Array telescope <http://www.ska.ac.za/meerkat/>  or 
HPC community<http://www.chpcconf.co.za/> , or Space 
science<http://www.sansa.org.za/earthobservation/services> and engineering 
community or energy community or business

 - And just for kicks – apparently we know how to use water powered rockets 
best (yesterday’s 

Honestly, I’m sure others know more and better reasons than me too. Obviously 
we're biased – it would benefit the S. Africa software community more than 
anything else  - but also think it’d be a win for ASF community!


Other links:
OpenSource software and small businesses conference 
openOffice supporting African 


Jane Wyngaard, Ph.D
Postdoctoral scholar
Instrument software and science data systems Section (398)

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive MS: 158-256D
Pasadena, CA 91109

Phone:  818/354-6237
Email: jane.r.wynga...@jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:jane.r.wynga...@jpl.nasa.gov>

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