Thanks for the feedback Shane!

On 06.12.16 14:09, Shane Curcuru wrote:
> Ulrich Stärk wrote on 12/6/16 3:59 AM:
>> Hi ComDev community,
>> since I believe that measuring two data points only to measure the success 
>> of programs like GSoC in
>> building communities is going to do more harm than good, I want to propose a 
>> post-mortem survey that
>> hopefully captures a more complete picture. Here is my first proposal, let's 
>> discuss.
> This sounds like an excellent addition to our already excellent GSoC
> efforts!
> Separately, are we allowed to (by GSoC rules), and would it be
> practical, to do a short survey for exiting GSoC *students*, or even for
> last year's students?  Along with capturing some data, it feels like it
> would be a good way for the ASF to try to maintain a relationship with
> the student (if they want to; if they ignore us that's fine too).

Unfortunately it seems like Google decided to take offline all historical data. 
I cannot access any
of the past (that includes 2016) student data anymore. All we have is student 
names from the scoring
spreadsheets for 2013-2016.

>> Cheers,
>> Uli
>> *DRAFT*
>> Please specify the name of the student you mentored (free text)
> Why don't we ask for Apache ID?  That way we could do commit analysis if
> we wanted to.

Not all students became committers so not all of the have an Apache ID. We 
could ask that further
down together with the "was the student voted in" question.

>> Do *you* consider GSoC 2016 a success for your project? (yes/no)
>> Why or why not? (free text)
> For several questions: Should we try to capture somewhat structured
> data, instead of boolean/free text?  I'd suggest the "success" use
> Likert scale or some similar degree question instead of boolean.
> "Why or why not?" could be two questions: a "type" and then a free text:
> - Why was this valuable?
> -- Added new module/functionality to your project
> -- Added useful new code to your project
> -- Spurred useful discussion about new code
> -- Added useful documentation, tests, or other things
> -- Created proof of concept that helped move project forward
> ...Or some general areas that might be helpful.

Good push.

>> Do you feel your time spent was worth it? (very high value for time 
>> spent:very low value for time spent)
>> Did the student stick around after GSoC concluded? (yes and still is, yes 
>> briefly, no)
>> Has the student been voted in as a committer or PMC member (yes/no)
>> Does the student's code live on? (as a separate module, as part of the 
>> project's codebase, no, other
>> - please specify)
>> Should we continue participating in GSoC on a foundation level? (yes/no)
> Definitely make this one an agreement scale, not boolean.

What would the scale look like and what would an agreement level of e.g. 3 on a 
1-5 scale mean?



>> If no, why not?
>> Would you mentor a GSoC student again? (yes, no, under the following 
>> circumstances - please specify)
>> Please specify your Apache ID if you would be willing to discuss your 
>> answers further. (free text)
> Thanks, excellent way to structure the survey.
> - Shane
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