On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 3:09 PM, Raphael Bircher <rbircherapa...@gmail.com>

> Hi people
> The question is in the subject: It would just be interesting. Ok, many
> people allready know, I have a physical disability called ICP (Infantile
> cerebral palsy). I just want to know, if there are others.
> I think, ASF could be a chance for disabled people to get work. The model
> of the ASF is perfect for this. You can get in without having any diplom or
> reference. Here everyone can get the chance

Hi again Raphael!

I'd like to apologize for the behavior of my colleagues.

I did not know (and of the 500-or-so members am equally unaware)
of most of my fellow Members' and own project committers'
disabilities, except the few that have shared that data. I could not
have anticipated it through their interactions and participation.

I also think, ASF provides tremendous opportunities for individuals
in any situation to offer great code, or documentation, or user help
or other facilities than enhance our projects.

I'm glad you raised this question and hope you find connections,
and would be happy to learn any suggestions you have to offer.

--- hard break - delete from replies -or- new subject: to reply ---

I am starting from square one because I'm very dismayed that so
many people who oppose and support such inclusion have hijacked
your thread, and both antagonists and apologists have turned this
very very simple inquiry into yet another multi-headed hydra. I do
wish we could all quit it.

So I'm launching your thread all over again to find out whether the
ASF is helping, and where it is hindering, where that occurs. Read
some very interesting data on color blindness yesterday, how very
simply it is to design GUI's around typical impediments, but there
are limited free resources to guide such design. Much more
profound disabilities are harder to anticipate, but knowing that
alt-tags and how screen readers are used frequently is a solid start.
If  you have other specific concerns or suggestions to aid participants,
let's start some actionable threads.

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