Count me in! I have my standard Apache Way talk, and my
"Apache Way and InnerSource 101" talk.

Mr. Peabody
> On May 23, 2017, at 9:31 AM, Rich Bowen <> wrote:
> On 05/22/2017 10:13 PM, Shane Curcuru wrote:
>> We had a lot of great feedback about the Apache Way track some of us
>> presented at ApacheCon, including several people coming to ask various
>> speakers for more information afterwards.
>> Although we have a simplistic Apache slides listing, it would be far
>> more valuable - and we have the content - to have a curated listing of
>> community-focused talks that Apache folks have given, with abstracts,
>> slides, videos (when available) and the like.
> I would like to see three "packaged" versions of this agenda:
> 1) Single-session, "Apache Way" talk. Not really much to do here other
> than describe what MUST and SHOULD be covered in such a talk.
> 2) 3 session Apache Way track. Lists three recommended talks, or perhaps
> some required and a selection of optional, depending on the focus of the
> event.
> 3) Full-day (6 or 7 session) track, with required and recommended talks.
> The reason that I want these is that we are currently being asked by 3
> different events to show up with this curated content, to own an Apache
> track at those events. We need to have a way to build an agenda for
> those events quickly, and then approach individuals to ask them to give
> specific talks, and present them with starter material for those
> presentations.
> The track at ApacheCon last week was an *awesome* start on this, and has
> been getting all kinds of positive feedback on the interwebs. And I
> think we'll get years of use out of the videos.
> --Rich
> -- 
> Rich Bowen - - @rbowen
> - @apachecon

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