Hi all,

We (the VigoJUG) are running a collaboration program (pro bono work) with the University of Vigo (Spain) to introduce students to Open Source projects as part of the end of their studies. It's the equivalent to two full signatures. The idea is to do a proof of concept with two students this year and open it to more of them in the following courses if it's a success.

We would like to choose some of the ASF projects and we know the ASF has been involved in a few student programs, mostly Google Summer of Code but also a few others directly with universities. So we would like to know more about it if it makes sense in our case.

In our opinion the program is a win-win for everyone:

 * Students from UVigo: evangelize open-source and get real experience.
 * Senior Engineers from VigoJUG: get familiar with interesting
   projects + help new engineers in our area.
 * Teachers from UVigo: they have interest in many projects of the ASF
   but they are a bit lost, this is a great opportunity for them to
   know more and look for new opportunities of collaboration.
 * ASF: some fresh blood to some projects :-)

We would need from the ASF:

 * Some projects to work with. Issues related to automate performance
   tests or profiling would be great because they have little impact in
   the project and we have some experience on that and running some
   workshops on that.
 * Some initial mentorship. It should be little work, most of the
   mentoring should be done by the senior engineers of the VigoJUG but
   some initial guidance would be very helpful.

I'm not familiar with this list (yet) so I hope this email is fine here :-)

Best regards,


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