
  FYI ; I updated the 'verification' page.


  -- section "Checking Hashes" :
     This section now has a reference to 'checker.apache.org',
     including a form to submit a SHA-1 to the checker.

  -- section "Checking Signatures" :
     -- Unchanged ;
     -- read it ...
     -- the first, easy part (check the detached signature) is ok ;
     -- the second (not-so-easy) part (Validating Authenticity
        of a Key) is entirely impractical : "A good start to
        validating a key is by face-to-face communication ..."

  Here is a puzzle :

  -- look at http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~penni101/puzzle/
  -- prove that 'foo' an authentic ASF artifact


  Henk Penning

------------------------------------------------------------   _
Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta                 R Uithof MG-403    _/ \_
Faculty of Science, Utrecht University    T +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Leuvenlaan 4, 3584CE Utrecht, NL          F +31 30 253 4553 \_/ \_/
http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~penni101/ M penn...@uu.nl     \_/

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2018 14:18:06 +0200 (CEST)
From: Henk P. Penning <penn...@uu.nl>
To: ComDev <dev@community.apache.org>
Cc: Users <us...@infra.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Updated checksum policy doc update

On Sat, 24 Mar 2018, Christopher wrote:

 Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2018 21:16:04 +0100
 From: Christopher <ctubb...@apache.org>
 To: ComDev <dev@community.apache.org>
 Cc: Users <us...@infra.apache.org>
 Subject: Updated checksum policy doc update

 The recently updated checksum policy from infra means more people should be
 using tools like sha512sum or shasum (or even sha1sum) instead of md5sum,
 but the instructions for users to verify releases:
 https://www.apache.org/info/verification only mention md5sum tools. They
 should be updated to include mention of tools for checking SHA-1 and SHA-2
 hashes. This page is so old and out of date, that it even still mentions
 textutils, which was rolled into coreutils 15 years ago.

 I'm not sure who can update this page, but it definitely needs some
 attention. Otherwise, projects will have to provide their own, possibly
 inconsistent, verification instructions (rather than link to this page, as
 many do now).


   I fixed up https://www.apache.org/info/verification a little,
   regarding "Checking Hashes" ; it is still impractical.

  I would rather refer people to


  See for examples (click left ; click right) :



  Henk Penning

------------------------------------------------------------   _
Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta                 R Uithof MG-403    _/ \_
Faculty of Science, Utrecht University    T +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Leuvenlaan 4, 3584CE Utrecht, NL          F +31 30 253 4553 \_/ \_/
http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~penni101/ M penn...@uu.nl     \_/

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