Hi, Isabel;
   Sorry for the super slow reply... I just now sat down to review as
requested (and just now realized how close this preso is!)

On 3/26/2018 10:09 AM, Isabel Drost-Fromm wrote:
> Hi,
> a couple weeks ago I was invited to give a talk on the Apache Way at
> Dataworks Summit here in Berlin mid-April.

Excellent! Thank you for doing this!

> I would love to get a second pair of eyes check the stuff I've put together
> so I didn't include any non-sense nor forgot anything vital.
> In line with Yonik's law of patches posting links to the early draft of the
> slide deck here:
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e-ZcdMftdaf3j55WKAEWkWEbl0Z9UQBn/view?usp=sharing
>  (google docs fails to display this correctly)

Yes, this is *comically* bad :-)

> https://drive.google.com/file/d/15lbcRt1v7vAW0eLEjYCddRFmL1A59bph/view?usp=sharing
> (pdf)

This format also seems to be rough to review. I'm having a very tough
time following the flow. Can you share a .ppt(x) or odp file?

One thing that I find useful when giving a "The Apache Way" talk is to
stress that *the foundation exists for the benefit of the projects*.
By using that as a central theme, you can make points like:
* The foundation does the "uninteresting stuff" to "Let the coders code"
* We provide the legal, infra and administrative support for projects to
* There is an off-the-shelf license so you (the project/coder) don't
need to worry about it
* There's  distinct on-ramp to becoming a project at the ASF
* ... and so on

I structured a similar presentation[1] (feel free to borrow/use it, as
that's what I did) around this topic and use the slides as ways to
illustrate the point.

> For some of the content, I have asked for permission to use it but not
> received feedback (asked like two minutes ago). Some of the content is
> still missing. I'll likely need to scratch some of the content to stay
> withing the allocated 40min.
> Make sure to check the notes in addition to the slides - otherwise for the
> most part you'll end up seeing pretty pictures but guessing about the
> intention ;)

How do we view notes?

> Thanks,
> Isabel

Side note and maybe a nitpick, the attributions don't follow CC best
It's close to "This is a pretty good attribution", but is missing the CC
license type. My typical format in presentations is:
Title of image - Author - CC-XYZ - https://flickr.com/link/to/author

While this isn't the "perfect" attribution per best practices, it ticks
all the boxes except a direct link to the original while still fitting
on a slide

[1] http://people.apache.org/~druggeri/presentations/TheApacheWay.odp

Daniel Ruggeri

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