Hi all, ServiceComb community are going to hold a meetup called Apache ServiceComb (incubating) Day at June 27th as a co-located event with LC3 2018, Beijing China, detailed agendas are listed here, ServiceComb website [1] and LC3 website [2].
And we also have a ServiceComb booth there from June 25th to June 27th during the LC3 conference. Detailed prepare work can find in dev@servicecomb mail list [3][4]. [1] http://servicecomb.incubator.apache.org/docs/ apache-servicecomb-incubating-day/ [2] https://lc32018.sched.com/event/EzNj [3] https://www.mail-archive.com/dev@servicecomb.apache.org/msg04624.html [4] https://www.mail-archive.com/dev@servicecomb.apache.org/msg04696.html Best Regards, --- Zen Lin zenlintechnofr...@gmail.com Focused on Micro Service and Apache ServiceComb