Hi -

I took a quick look at the email thread and the very detailed how to contribute 
wiki page.

I think that there are two concerns.

(1) There are people assigning tickets to particular “domain experts” rather 
than those experts picking their choice.
(2) There are contributors who might be blocked by this process because that 
makes it look like that assignee has control of that module and their 
contribution won’t be helpful.

So you can see that “domain experts” has a double edged impact on the 
community. It helps with initial growth of a project’s codebase, but can make 
it hard to grow the community. Over time some domain experts will silently 
leave for whatever reason and they won’t necessarily have transferred their 

As long as newcomers are encouraged to both ask and work on any issue 
regardless of assignment the community benefits and gets longevity.

The project belongs to the community and not the individual domain experts.


> On Jul 31, 2018, at 9:06 AM, Dmitriy Pavlov <dpavlov....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Mentors,
> I have a question that I have not yet found an answer to. Can community
> members assign tasks to other contributor in JIRA. I mean the case that
> someone wants a particular contributor to do a task, can he or she assign
> it directly to maintainer?
> Or contributor should always assign ticket to him or herself?
> Is this regulated/recommended by the Apache policies? Or it is given to the
> community to decide.
> Thank you in advance.
> Sincerely,
> Dmitry Pavlov
> P.S. Discussion recently occurred at Apache Ignite community dev. List
> http://apache-ignite-developers.2346864.n4.nabble.com/Fwd-jira-Assigned-IGNITE-9113-Allocate-memory-for-a-data-region-when-first-cache-assigned-to-this-red-td33172.html
> And I always believed that it is always necessary that only community
> member can assign ticket to him or herself.

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