Hello Mentors,

My name is Karan Vishwakarma and I am pursuing Bachelors in Information Technology at Institute of Engineering and Technology, DAVV Indore.

As a part of the university curriculum, I have learned fundamental Information Technology courses like Data Structure, Algorithms, Operating systems and Computer Networks. These courses have enhanced my programming skills and motivated me to design and develop an Android application named ‘KeyNote’ (available on Google Play Store) that helps the users to store information and their personal data in the form of notes. The technologies which I used to build the notes application are Java, XML, Android Studios and storage databases like SQLite and SharedPreferences for fast data loading. Additionally, I integrated Google AdMob to provide a platform to serve Ads and increase user engagement. With the knowledge of web development technologies, I designed my portfolio website using tools like HTML, CSS, HTML5, CSS3, _javascript_, XAMPP, Google Web Toolkit and PHP and hosted the website on web host by managing files through FileZilla. To support code modularity and easy maintenance, I designed the website with Leaner Style Sheets (LESS) to extend the capabilities of CSS. To optimize the applications with advanced learning algorithms, I enrolled in courses like ‘Divide and Conquer, Sorting and Searching, and Randomized algorithm’ and ‘Machine Learning’ offered by Stanford University where I achieved a grade of 93.2% among all students.

I look forward to a challenging career which may even be arduous and demanding at times but I am confident that with my sincerity and dedication, I will be able to make a meaningful contribution to the open source projects for Google Summer of Code 2019 with the best of my knowledge and skills.

Please find my resume attached and I look forward to talking to you soon.

Description: Adobe PDF document

Best Regards,
Karan Vishwakarma

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