Pada Jum, 7 Jun 2019 9:51 PM Christofer Dutz <>

> Hi all,
> I would like to propose to introduce a new mailing-list for intra-project
> communication.
> As it is my primary goal to help communication in the IoT field at Apache
> I would like your votes on this.
> As we have the option to create a general purpose list (tech@) or a
> topic-dependent one (iot@) you don’t have the usual +1, 0 and -1, but a),
> b) and c)
> a) no new list
> b) create a tech@a.o<mailto:tech@a.o> list that's expected to be used with
> [subject][line][tags] only
> c) create an iot@a.o<mailto:iot@a.o> list
> The vote will stay open for the normal 72 hours.
> Chris

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