Dmitriy Pavlov wrote on 2019-6-29 1:47PM EDT:
> Hi Shane,
> This list looks outdated. README about how to update the list gives 404.

LOL.  I've updated the site to point to the new location for README:

There's a script to scrape someone can run periodically.
Comdev committers are also welcome to edit the page directly, although I
think it gets  (mostly) overwritten by the script.  (Sorry, that's the
limit of my knowledge here!)

Website source code is here:

> Can any Apache Project committer update it? If so, I could update this page
> from time to time:
> - Once I've shared Apache Ignite meetup link
> - and I saw one request to update this list at list recently.
>>> Peter Hunsberger wrote on 2019-6-27 8:51AM EDT:
>>>> Around here we get a lot of local development focused groups on
>>> Note that the ASF's VP of Conferences has a page that will list Meetups
>>> and similar events that are run by Apache projects:
>>> That's another great way to help other people find out about any local
>>> Apache project meetings/talks that you organize.  Note that Rich (VP
>>> Conferences) also travels to many conferences, so please be patient when
>>> asking for updates to that page (or, help volunteer on maintenance!)

- Shane
  Director & Member
  The Apache Software Foundation

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