Hey all,

I'd like us to use the comdev confluence in order to help organize the
hackathon for ApacheCon Europe 2019.  I'd like people participating in the
hackathon to be able to enter their own projects.

However a problem with this approach occurred to me: if I have to enter
each interested user in the permissions table in confluence, it's not
really self-organizing any more.

I had a look at the confluence permissions table though, and one potential
solution occurred to me:  Perhaps I can enter the committers group and give
them permissions to add pages and comments.  I already experimentally added
the committers group to the permissions table (and discovered I couldn't
figure out how to delete them again).

So here come my questions:
* Does the committers group really just contain all committers?
* Do we have enough experience to be able to say we can trust all of the
people in this group to not spam confluence?
* Are there any potential side effects of allowing all committers to add
and edit comdev pages that I haven't thought of and that we should be aware

If those questions have the answers I hope they have, then I'll come back
here, and ask the comdev PMC if there are any objections to allowing
committers edit access to the comdev wiki.  Depending on the answers, we
may also wish to consider giving all committers access to only certain
parts of the comdev space.  Let's see how the discussion goes.

Best Regards,

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