Hi, all;
Just wanted to drop a quick line detailing the fun time that was known as DevNexus (a very large java conference in Atlanta). The ASF was invited to have a booth presence at the event by the organizing team (hey there, Pratik and Vince!!)


Our booth was situated toward the end of the exhibit hall next to two other Open Source foundations (OSI and Eclipse). It was adorned by a lovely white table runner graciously ordered for us by Sally and staffed by me and Steve Sanders (who some may know from ACNA). We had a mountain of stickers (currency, as you know) to hand out... and barely made it through half of them. Unfortunately, we didn't have project stickers this go around, but we drummed up sufficient excitement for the two flavors of 20th anniversary stickers. I'm confident these limited edition pieces of OSS archaeology will be on eBay commanding a hefty pricetag before long ;-)

Despite being a tiny bit off the beaten path, we received a fair bit of foot traffic with a pretty steady stream of visitors. As is always the case, we fielded a wide range of questions. A good bit of people were interested in how we pay for what we do ("We love our sponsors!"). A lot of folks asked how long we've worked for Apache ("Work?! We do this for FUN!"). Some were rather curious about what's coming up ("Take a look at the incubator"). A few asked where to even get started in Open Source ("You've come to the right place!"). On three occasions, we were confused with Spring because a GI-GANTIC sign was erected behind all three of the OSS foundations' booths. And, what I loved the most of all, is the fact that we lost count of the number of times we heard, "Oh, we love Apache!" and "Thanks for what you guys do!"

Just like every other time "working the booth", it was an absolute joy to tell our story, engage with the community we love so much, and evangelize the OSS mission. I look forward to the next one!
Daniel Ruggeri

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