Hello everyone,

The ALC [1] Indore Chapter [2] is planning to organize a webinar on 'Open
Source & The Apache Way: through a contributor's lens' in collaboration
with Bangalore Java User Group (JUG)[4] on 31st October 2020, Saturday.

As per ALC Event guidelines [3], we would like to request PMC approval for
this upcoming ALC Indore Event.

In the session we will be covering the following topics:
 # Open Source
  -- Open-Source
  -- History
  -- Open-Source license
  -- Why one should contribute to Open Source?
  -- How can one contribute?

 # OpenSource Opportunities
  -- Internships
  -- Jobs

# The Apache Way
  -- About the Apache Software Foundation
  -- History
  -- Apache Project Ecosystem
  -- The Apache Way
  -- Where to start?

Speaker: Aditya Sharma

Here is the link [5] to the details of the event

[1] https://s.apache.org/alc
[2] https://s.apache.org/alc-indore
[3] https://s.apache.org/alc-guidelines
[4] https://bangalorejug.org/
[5] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/QhjZCQ

Thanks and Regards,
Aditya Sharma
ALC Indore Chapter Lead

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