Congratulations and welcome Aditya, Priya, Tomasz and Willem!

On 2020/11/02 06:18:18, Swapnil M Mane <> wrote: 
> Hello all,
> The ComDev PMC has invited Aditya, Priya, Tomasz, and Willem
> to become committers and we are glad to announce that
> they have accepted the nomination.
> Please join me in welcoming our new committers.
> # Aditya Sharma
> Aditya is the ALC Indore chapter lead and part of the core team since
> the beginning.
> He had also delivered various talks for spreading the awareness of
> Apache in various events.
> His recent talk (in Hindi language) in ApaceCon on the topic Apache Incubator,
> & How incubator communities are built? is live at
> # Priya Sharma
> Priya is the core member of ALC Indore from its inception and you
> might have seen her various mail regarding the events. She is very
> active in planning and executing events for ALC.
> She also delivered numerous talk on the Open Source and the Apache Way
> in ALC events also active on our ComDev list to help people.
> Her recent talk on Apache Local Community (in Hindi language)
> in ApacheCon can be found at
> # Tomasz Urbaszek
> Tomasz is the ALC Warsaw chapter lead and very actively working for
> spreading awareness through ALC Warsaw events. Along with this,
> he also participated in various threads of ALC to provide his inputs.
> You should check out his recent talk in ApacheCon on
> 'Growing with the Open-Source Community' at
> # Willem Ning Jiang
> Willem is also an ASF member and in PMC of various Apache Projects.
> He is the chapter lead of ALC Beijing and, the ALC Beijing team is
> doing inspiring
> & amazing work in spreading Apache awareness.
> Willem has a great understanding of Apache Way and the community.
> Many congratulations all, and thank you so much for your contributions!
> Best regards,
> Swapnil M Mane,
> On behalf of the ComDev PMC
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