Hi Sally,

Ah yes, I remember this picture ! Thanks. Nice memories this apacheCon, I got a lot of fun (and a bit of poker time as well :) )

Keep me posted about the blog post.



Le 02/02/2022 à 11:40, Sally Khudairi a écrit :
Thank you, Etienne.

Of course I know who you are <g>. Plus you were part of the "Community Over Code ... 
Code Over Community" project at ApacheCon in Las Vegas in 2019

"Success at Apache" is actually part of the ASF's Marketing & Publicity activities. 
I've copied them here, as well as Joe Brockmeier, who has taken on the VP Marketing & 
Publicity role in June.

What you propose below sounds good, but it's Joe's decision how to proceed. If 
he gives the go-ahead, I'll be happy to work with you on this,


- - -
Vice President Sponsor Relations
The Apache Software Foundation

Tel +1 617 921 8656 | s...@apache.org

On Wed, Feb 2, 2022, at 05:13, Etienne Chauchot wrote:
Hi Comdev, hi Sally, hi everyone

I'd like to propose a blog post to the SuccessAtApache blog series. It
would be about my experience with the Apache way after almost 6 years
full time on Apache projects. I'd like to name it "A perfect society".
But before getting into more details on the subject of the blog post,
let me introduce myself:

I'm a software engineer for more than 17 years and now specialized in
Big Data. I'm a committer and PMC member on Apache Beam and an active
contributor on Apache Flink and I contribute also a little bit (mainly
on design proposal) on Apache Spark. I'm the author of the BigData
Chronicles blog (https://echauchot.blogspot.com/) and I gave several
talks at the ApacheCon throughout the years.

In this blog post, I plan to first describe the Apache way in details as
we know it (governed by merit, not driven by money, inclusive,
benevolent, tolerant, welcoming, mentoring etc...)

And then I'd like to extrapolate on these ideas in the way that I
believe they lead to a sort of perfect (even if a bit utopian) society
in the sense that it is the way we all would like people and society in
general to behave. Another thing I would like to share is that I noticed
after some years working with this "philosophy" that it has also
influenced my personal daily life out of work: it becomes your standard
way of behaving in the society; meritocracy becomes a second nature, for
example you reward your home builders with gifts and public credit
because they did a good job, you reward your kids for good school work
etc... You also start to give time to others and share your knowledge,
mentoring becomes a second nature. Another big thing which is very
visible is that you now always take good care to give positive
communication, leading to positive and constructive thinking. Positivity
becomes also a second nature.

I hope you'd be enthusiastic about this blog post and I'd like to hear
your thoughts about it.

I must also admit that I would be very honored to become an ASF member
at some point as the ASF was a revelation to me.


Etienne Chauchot

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