> On Mar 4, 2022, at 10:28 AM, Jarek Potiuk <ja...@potiuk.com> wrote:
>> Definitely another good way to support projects.  I think 2. and 3.
>> originating in user companies can actually help foster vendor neutrality
>> as these companies are really just users.  Whether the people are
>> employees or contractors is not important.  What *is* important is that
>> they have time and mandate to contribute broadly to the project rather
>> than just trying to get specific features in.

This is a subtle and important point.
- how do vendors enable their individuals to upstream changes?
- how easy does the project make it for individuals to upstream their changes?

> There is a huge difference actually.
> Employees - almost by definition - cannot work for competitors at the
> same time. Individual contributors can.

That depends on the terms of employment. I’m employed currently and explicitly 
expected to contribute. This hasn’t always been the case.

> As a contractor (and that also should be part of any other
> contributor's clause) I can work with multiple stakeholders - even
> competitors (and this is an important clause that I make sure in my
> contract).

There are reasons for competitors to co-operate.

> Currently, as an independent contributor i have/had business relationship 
> with:
> * Google
> * AWS
> * Astronomer
> (And some more are coming). They are competitors, buti also they are
> cooperating on Airflow - so called "coopetition". This is next to
> impossible for an Employee to have several employment contracts with
> competitors at the same time.

This is how a vendor independent project ought to work.

Perhaps a review of 
https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/entry/the-apache-way-to-sustainable ?

> Also it allows me to lead projects and initiatives, where there is a
> value brought by all those different stakeholders. Being independent
> and paid by all of those make it also easier for other stakeholders to
> join the efforts.
> This is all extremely different to situations where the people
> contributing are employed by  a single Employer. That also works - of
> course, and there is nothing wrong with that. But it is very
> different.

Everyone’s situation is uniquely theirs.

All the best,

> J.
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