A name change would be a lot of work.

Put another way, the only way such a change will occur is if there are
volunteers willing to see it through.

Stating the problem with the hopes that somebody else solves it
generally doesn't produce a satisfactory outcome.

Walter: what are you personally willing to volunteer to do?  What is
your plan?  What resources do you need?

- Sam Ruby

On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 9:00 PM Walter Cameron
<walter.li...@waltercameron.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> When the Apache Group named itself and its software Apache, they were
> continuing a long-practiced North American settler tradition of
> appropriating Native identity as a costume for their own causes. An
> environment filled with propaganda including everything from Hollywood
> media to music festivals and children’s summer camps enabled them to feel
> entitled to play Indian.
> The feather logo, meant to symbolize this community was clearly chosen for
> its association with Native people and their cultures. In the US feathers
> from many birds are highly regulated by the Feds, a lasting legacy of
> attempts at suppressing Indigenous cultures. In the 1970’s the Washington
> Redskins had a feather logo. After protests from Native people complaining
> about the name and the indignity of a feather being used to represent
> people, the team commissioned a Native artist to redraw one of their older
> “Indian head” logos instead of doing the right thing and changing the name
> and branding entirely.
> There’s no respectful way to use other people, let alone survivors of
> genocide, as a costume for your own causes. ASF’s mascotry has spawned its
> own niche of digital redface in projects like Apache Geronimo and Apache
> Arrow and no doubt inspired many others to use similar stereotyping. It’s
> almost a cliché to say but imagine substituting a different group with
> different stereotypes to use as branding.
> As a developer I recognize that ASF is involved in some of the most
> influential software out there. But as a Tlingit with the privilege of
> living on Lingít Aaní I can’t discuss ASF or its projects without cringing.
> By now there have been multiple peer-reviewed studies outlining the direct
> and indirect harm that Native mascotry causes Native and non-Native people.
> Schools, commercial products, and professional sports teams have changed
> their names and rebranded. It’s long past time for ASF to do the same.
> Gunalchéesh,
> Walter Cameron

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