> On Dec 8, 2022, at 6:44 PM, Greg Stein <gst...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 2022/12/08 20:30:02 Christian Grobmeier wrote:
>> ...
>> Bu t I mentioned, I get your point. Would you be less concerned with a
>> domain like asf.social, since this is not an official domain? Assuming
>> asf.social would be only for ASF community, but also allow "offical"
>> accounts like press@asf.social?
> By definition, asf.social is an official domain. ... If it is not, then it is
> a trademark violation. One might argue the violation (good luck), but isn't
> the GOAL to have an official domain to establish a trust level?
> Trademarks, but more specifically Branding: has stated that the ASF will not
> "grow" new domains, and that apache.org should be used. Simply to use
> "asf.social" would require a clear exception grant from Branding.
> Next: each hostname/service under apache.org must be owned by an Officer of
> the Foundation. It was unclear for many years for many years who owned
> www.apache.org and the annou...@apache.org mailing list. The Foundation
> decided that is our public face, our public messaging, and should (thus) be
> owned by the VP Marketing & Publicity. M&P also owns our Twitter account and
> YouTube channel. By similar reasoning, M&P would own how an official hostname
> used for Mastodon would be portrayed to the general public; especially if it
> would become official messaging channel(s) for the Foundation.
> Note: individual TLPs create their own accounts on third party services, such
> as Twitter and Facebook, without consultation with M&P. That is a bit
> different from constructing an official [Mastodon] namespace for the
> Foundation. Who owns *that* namespace? (IMO: M&P)
> Should such an official hostname be desired, an Officer Owner will be
> required. That is likely best discussed internally, but ENOCARE, really.
I agree with Greg’s statement above because that’s how it works.
> Cheers,
> -g
> ps. not speaking for Infra; just explaining how ownership of host/service
> $foo works at the ASF
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