Dear Project Mentor,

I am Abhijeet from India and I am excited to apply for the RocketMQ
project as a part of GSoC. I have professional experience working with
Java and Scala and I am well-versed in the modern paradigm of Java and
functional programming. I have been contributing to RocketMQ for the
past month and I am interested in open-source software development, as
I find it rewarding to solve challenging problems that support the

I am particularly interested in the project that aims to update the
RocketMQ codebase to support newer versions of Java in a cross-compile
manner. I believe that this is a crucial project that will enable
RocketMQ users to take advantage of the latest Java features and
performance improvements while maintaining backward compatibility with
previous versions of Java.

Regarding my approach to the project, I would begin by analyzing the
existing codebase and identifying any dependencies that need to be
changed to support the new Java versions. I would then proceed to
update these dependencies while ensuring backward compatibility with
previous versions of Java. I would also test and verify that the new
version of RocketMQ works correctly and is stable. Throughout the
project, I would work closely with the community to gather feedback
and suggestions for improvement.

I have relevant experience in Java programming and software
development, and I have been actively contributing to RocketMQ for the
past month. I have also worked on several open-source projects in the
past, which has helped me develop my skills in software development
and collaborating with other developers.

I am available full-time for the duration of the GSoC program, and I
am committed to completing the project within the given timeline. I
would also be happy to collaborate with other developers in the
community to ensure the success of the project.

Thank you for considering my proposal. Please let me know if you have
any questions or if there are any additional details I can provide.


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