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> On Sep 8, 2023, at 7:11 AM, wrote:
> On Thu, 2023-09-07 at 23:26 +0100, sebb wrote:
>> I think it would be worth considering setting up a central store for
>> DOAPs.
>> This was suggested in the past, but was rejected, I think mainly
>> because PMCs were expecting to have to make regular updates to DOAPs,
>> e.g. when releases are made, so wanted to keep them with the code.
>> It's a pain keeping the releases section of DOAPs up to date (even if
>> they are local to code).
>> Now that there is an automated releases listing, I wonder whether
>> there is any point keeping the info in the DOAP as well?
>> The rest of the fields in a DOAP rarely change, so it matters less if
>> the DOAP is stored in a different repo from the code to which it
>> relates.
>> If DOAPs were moved to a shared GitHub repo, I think it would be much
>> easier for maintenance purposes. Some issues such as fixing an
>> incorrect repo URL or download page link could be dealt with by
>> anyone
>> with suitable karma.
>> Just a thought.
> I'm a little torn on this one. It would certainly make it a lot easier
> for *me*, but at the expense of making it harder for the projects. We'd
> also have to go back around to every project to educate about this
> change, and address 100 different objections to the change
> What would be cool is if Git had something equivalent to svn externals,
> so that we could have the best of both worlds. Maybe some day, Git will
> catch up to where svn was 10 years ago. ;-)
> If, on the other hand, we are able to extract the frequently-changing
> stuff (ie, releases) from this data, and reduce it just to the seldom-
> changing stuff, as you suggest, this would be worth doing. It's not
> clear to me how big a lift that is, though.

Every release ever is at if it is not there 
then it’s not a release.

> I would certainly like to have the ability to address some of the awful
> phrasing, grammar, and just bad project descriptions, without having to
> navigate every project's different contribution process.

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