Hello all,

ComDev PMC is pleased to announce our next Apache Local Community [1]
Chapter - ALC Bangalore [2] and Navendu as ALC Bangalore Chapter lead.

We have the following members in ALC Bangalore:

1. Atri Sharma (atri)
-- ASF Member
-- PMC (Lucene, Solr, HAWQ, MADLib, and Incubator)
-- Committer (Pinot)

2. Mohammad Asif Siddiqui (asifdxtreme)
-- ASF Member
-- PMC (ServiceComb and Incubator)
-- Mentor (Nuttx)

3. Brahma Reddy Battula (brahma)
-- PMC (Ambari & Hadoop)
-- PPMC (Livy)

4. Sumit Maheshwari (msumit)
-- PMC (Airflow))

5. Navendu Pottekkat (navendu)
-- Committer (APISIX)

Mentor: Aditya Sharma
-- ASF Member
-- PMC (ComDev, OFBiz and Roller)
-- Chapter Lead, ALC Indore

Congratulations to the ALC Bangalore Chapter and wishing them good luck for
their future events.

[1] https://s.apache.org/alc
[2] https://s.apache.org/alc-bangalore

Best regards,
The Apache ComDev team,

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