
On Wed, Feb 21, 2024, at 17:06, Dave Fisher wrote:
> Hi Tison,
> Some future ideas.
> (1) The web templates - html, js, css, and fonts are likely to be 
> similar between the branches. (Well not all the js that docusaurus 
> produces, but the site design will be similar.) This could lead to a 
> branch with multiple designs. The question is what template language is 
> used by docusaurus and jekyl? JINJA2?

Jekyll uses Liquid, Docusaurus uses a JSX like thing. I never used it, but it 
is basically a React application that is rendered to static files.
I don’t think templates can be reused

Kind regards

> (2) Once those two examples are complete. I think that an ASF Pelican 
> example can be done as well. There are a number of examples like 
> apache.org, http.apache.org, etc.
> I’m following along and will have a look later on.
> Best,
> Dave
>> On Feb 21, 2024, at 1:43 AM, tison <wander4...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> Thanks you. Now we found a volunteer to improve the jekyll template and
>> it's good :D
>> Daniel wrote:
>>> This feels like we are over-engineering the solution to a simple
>>> problem. Just use the existing website-template repository, have the
>>> default branch be an empty branch with a README that tells you what the
>>> different examples are, each in their own branch or directory.
>> I'm OK with this. And it seems a solution that no direct reasonable
>> objection.
>> Although Sebb comments in the other thread [1] that such a Rip Down commit
>> can be suboptimal due to the irrelevant history, with INFRA's help we can
>> use a brand new README branch and make it the default.
>> I'm going to move forward with the development in docusaurus branch and
>> recommend Chris to send the patch against the jekyll branch (I'll review it
>> if you need).
>> For the master branch tech solution, I'm fine to wait a minutes to rip it
>> down, switch with a brand new history, or any other suggestions.
>> Best,
>> tison.
>> [1]
>> https://lists.apache.org/thread/jjmb1jnl67rr5qnhdb047tms9ksd0yqq
>> Christian Grobmeier <grobme...@apache.org>于2024年2月21日 周三16:07写道:
>>> Hello,
>>> I love we are picking up this template idea again.
>>> Previously I proposed to add some Docker files to help with quick setup.
>>> I could add this straightaway to the Jekyll branch.
>>> Does this sound like a good idea?
>>> It could look like what I did for Privacy:
>>> https://github.com/apache/privacy-website
>>> Please let me know, then I will add it (or forget about it)
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Christian
>>> On Tue, Feb 20, 2024, at 23:38, Willem Jiang wrote:
>>>> From my recent experience, it could save the developer lots of time if
>>>> they can work on the website's content by adding some markdown files
>>>> directly.
>>>> Following the website policy and turning the features of the website
>>>> engine are one-time work. The ROI would be good if we could share
>>>> these through the website template.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Willem Jiang
>>>> On Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 8:20 PM tison <wander4...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> And/or just point to the source code of existing ASF websites which
>>>>>> can serve as living examples.
>>>>> You can check the original mailing list thread [1]. I recommend Fury as
>>> an
>>>>> example there because it's just started. Living examples can be
>>> supplements
>>>>> but customized a lot to prevent new podlings from catching up.
>>>>> This is my initial motivation to create a template and even
>>> self-contained
>>>>> docs to share how to switch features while being compliant with ASF
>>>>> policies :D
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> tison.
>>>>> [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/nzzvz0j6mlgfn4pldxg6988oqw20b0bx
>>>>> Bertrand Delacretaz <bdelacre...@apache.org> 于2024年2月20日周二 19:32写道:
>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 10:45 AM Daniel Gruno <humbed...@apache.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> ...Just use the existing website-template repository, have the
>>>>>>> default branch be an empty branch with a README that tells you what
>>> the
>>>>>>> different examples are, each in their own branch or directory...
>>>>>> And/or just point to the source code of existing ASF websites which
>>>>>> can serve as living examples.
>>>>>> And encourage people to add GitHub topics to their website
>>>>>> repositories, so that queries like
>>> https://github.com/search?q=topic%3Ahugo+org%3Aapache&type=Repositories
>>>>>> can give you a list of real live examples that use your favorite
>>>>>> website generation tool, "hugo" in this example.
>>>>>> -Bertrand
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