Sorry for cross posting this message but conversations were started on
apachecon planners as well as community development mailing lists.

There are several people on BCC for this message.  All have expressed
interest in participating in the Community over Code Europe 2025 organizing

I would like everyone who is interested to subscribe to both lists.[1]

As the decision is still at an early stage let's continue this email thread

If you are interested in participating in the organizing committee please
respond to this email.

I would like to begin a discussion around who will chair the committee.  I
am the chair for 2024 and can tell you that while I don't have time to work
on 2025 at the moment, the workload for the chair is not that large.  It
mostly consists of scheduling the committee meetings, giving everyone space
to speak, keeping the meeting moving forward (i.e. keeping side track
discussion to a minimum), and ensuring that communications between the
committee and other organizations is understood and not garbled.   The
demands are light enough that I also took on the role of Poster Track chair
and have volunteered for some other side work as well.  But somebody needs
to step forward and take the role or there will be no conference in 2025.
I should note that the conference has not occurred yet so I don't know what
surprises lie in wait for the chair in the next 6 weeks.

There has been discussion of a C/C 2025 BOF at Bratislava.  If enough
interested people are attending we have space set aside for this.  The
group that responds to this message should decide if you want to proceed
with this meeting.

There has been a suggestion to align the C/C 2025 conference with another
conference.  This too should be discussed.

At some point, when the organizing committee believes that they are going
to move forward,  Brian Proffit, ASF VP of Conferences, should be
approached and work with the Apache Foundation should begin.  This should
start as early as possible.  The ASF can provide a fair amount of support
for the conference and it is a good idea to bring them onboard early.

So if you are interested, if you want to see Community over Code continue
in Europe then jump in here and make it happen.



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