
I just started fixing up our broken JUnit Tests, and I discovered that the
recent refactors broke the CordovaWebView standalone component.  This means
that anyone who is using the CordovaWebView as a standalone component
should probably not upgrade to 2.2.0 and that we'll have to issue a 2.2.1
release to address this issue.

It seems that for some reason deviceready is no longer firing.  I think
this may have to do with the recent changes to plugins as well as the
addition of a thread pool.  I'm going to commit the fixes to the tests
today, but you can recreate the issue by pulling down this debug repo,
putting it in Eclipse and making it use Cordova as a library.


Also, you can debug this using the default activity on the test project,
although the test project still needs a lot of cleaning to be done.

It sucks that we missed this, but we really need to make sure we don't
break the tests when we do a refactor.

I'll add more details to the bug soon.  This harsh sucks, because I don't
think this will be an easy fix. :(


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