wow, so yeah that works.

not the best way to do it now ;)

I should be able to automate this in the playbook.xml so our users don't
have to deal with it.

On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 2:46 PM, Filip Maj <> wrote:

> O HELL YEAH I HAVE. Let me, an Adobe employee, give you, a RIM employee,
> the awesome run down of how to fix this. This is gonna be fun and I get to
> vent a bit too! :D
> 1. Locate your debug token.
> 2. Extract the .bar of the debug token with an archive app
> 3. There will be a META-INF folder
> 5. In there you will see Package-Author and Package-Author-ID. Note down
> those values.
> 6. Locate your playbook sdk install dir
> 7. Go to <sdk>/bbwp/AirAppTemplates/src
> 8. Edit blackberry-tablet.xml
> 9. Make sure blackberry-tablet.xml has the following XML elements that
> match the values in your MANIFEST.MF file of your debug token:
>   - <publisher> should match Package-Author
>   - <author> should match Package-Author
>   - <authorId> should match Package-Author-Id
> 10. You may have to add some of these elements if they are missing. Yeah.
> Try figuring that out.
> I highly recommend RIM fix this as this process is FKN HORSESHIT.
> That is all. I'm done :)
> On 11/22/12 11:37 AM, "Gord Tanner" <> wrote:
> >I added debug token support to working on BB10 for cordova and would like
> >to do the same with playbook but I have the following problem:
> >
> >Output of cordova build script when running 'ant playbook debug-device'
> >
> >[exec] Info: Debug token created.
> >     [exec] Info: Sending request: Install and Launch
> >     [exec] Info: Action: Install and Launch
> >     [exec] Info: File size: 2269
> >     [exec] Info: Installing debug.token.gYABgBzNRmtRA7cXnit_yEsmdx4...
> >     [exec] Info: Processing 2269 bytes
> >     [exec] actual_dname::debug.token.gYABgBzNRmtRA7cXnit_yEsmdx4
> >     [exec] actual_id::gYABgBzNRmtRA7cXnit_yEsmdx4
> >     [exec] actual_version::
> >     [exec] result::success
> >     [exec] Info: Launching debug.token.gYABgBzNRmtRA7cXnit_yEsmdx4...
> >     [exec] result::Invalid
> >     [exec] Info: done
> >     [exec] [INFO]       Parsing command line options
> >     [exec] [INFO]       Parsing
> >     [exec] [INFO]       Validating WebWorks archive
> >     [exec] [INFO]       Parsing config.xml
> >     [exec] [INFO]       Populating application source
> >     [exec] [INFO]       Compiling WebWorks application
> >     [exec] [INFO]       Packaging the bar file
> >     [exec] [INFO]       Bar packaging complete
> >     [exec] [INFO]       WebWorks application packaging complete
> >     [exec] Info: Sending request: Install and Launch
> >     [exec] Info: Action: Install and Launch
> >     [exec] Info: File size: 510530
> >     [exec] Info: Installing
> >cordovaExample66daa65d5ab3c8ba4e3a9403c3a28a7.testDev_9403c3a28a75887c750.
> >..
> >     [exec] Info: Processing 510530 bytes
> >     [exec] actual_dname::
> >     [exec] actual_id::
> >     [exec] actual_version::
> >     [exec] result::failure 881 application author does not match debug
> >token author
> >
> >The value in my config.xml <author> tag is Gord Tanner, which is the same
> >displayed for the debug token author shown on the playbook.
> >
> >The ant script I am using is:
> >
> ><!-- install debug token" -->
> >+    <macrodef name="generate-debug-token">
> >+        <sequential>
> >+            <exec executable="${blackberry-debugtokenrequest}" dir="."
> >failonerror="true">
> >+                <arg value="-storepass" />
> >+                <arg value="${properties.playbook.sigtool.csk.password}"
> >/>
> >+                <arg value="-deviceID" />
> >+                <arg value="0x${}" />
> >+                <arg file="${properties.qnx.bbwp.dir}/" />
> >+            </exec>
> >+
> >+            <exec executable="${blackberry-deploy}" dir="."
> >failonerror="true">
> >+                <arg value="-installApp" />
> >+                <arg value="-launchApp" />
> >+                <arg value="-device" />
> >+                <arg value="${properties.playbook.device.ip}" />
> >+                <arg value="-password" />
> >+                <arg value="${properties.playbook.device.password}" />
> >+                <arg value="-package" />
> >+                <arg file="${properties.qnx.bbwp.dir}/" />
> >+            </exec>
> >+        </sequential>
> >+    </macrodef>
> >
> >Has anyone come across this before?

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