Hi all,

What's the status of this?

I realised I couldn't use fileTransfer with headers and therefore couldn't use 
basic auth to download a file. Then I checked for an existing issue and found 
one… then THAT led me to this email thread (that I had remembered reading, but 
didn't care about at the time, heh).

Is the plan to polyfill xhr2, or just get people to use xhr2 instead of 
fileTransfer? IIRC, xhr2 is not supported in Android 2.3.x… due to market 
share, I really still need to support that Android version, so xhr2 is out for 
me (unless I am missing something).

Has there been any movement on this or did it turn into a general discussion 
about tracking changes to specs and lose its way? ;)

I am probably willing to put my hand up to implement the fix in the Jira issue 
[1], if it comes to that.

- tommy

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-861

On 13/06/2012, at 11:51 AM, Simon MacDonald <simon.macdon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yup, we need a refresh of all the API's. Media should turn into the Audio
> API IMHO. We should stop trying to shoe horn things into FileTransfer so
> using XHR2 instead seems like the way to go.
> Simon Mac Donald
> http://hi.im/simonmacdonald
> On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 6:48 PM, Filip Maj <f...@adobe.com> wrote:
>> Media needs a revision (can we drop and adopt a friendlier spec?).
>> Compass' spec has changed. I think the network status one has as well. I
>> have no idea about File but, probably. Devicemotion/orientation vs
>> accelerometer.. Contacts have been updated too. XHR2 vs our own
>> FileTransfer. Pretty much all of them haha.
>> On 6/12/12 3:44 PM, "Brian LeRoux" <b...@brian.io> wrote:
>>>> Once we ship 2.0 we need a revision of _all_ APIs pretty badly. Lots of
>>>> specs have been updated/revised. Review the mobile landscape. See what
>>>> direction/specs the functionalities we aim to provide with cordova are
>>>> going and polyfill those for our users.
>>> This is true. The sys-apps group in particular is going to have stuff
>>> for us to impl. Think the DAP APIs are going to fade.

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