Actually, got this working, pushed a remote branch for feedback:


We can add the other platforms, of course, and on windows you can hard link
the file, I think?


On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 2:59 PM, Michal Mocny <> wrote:

> Yeah I'm trying to prototype what I proposed and I cannot find a way to
> test for file existence in a sync way, and the mobile spec tests don't deal
> well with having cordova.js injected after page load.  This is solvable but
> I'll shelve it until I get more feedback/interest expressed.
> -Michal
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Jesse MacFadyen 
> <>wrote:
>> For every version, I do the following for WP7 and WP8 :
>> - create a new project from the latest template
>> - remove the dll and link to the repo project directly
>> - copy over mobile-spec
>> - modify cordova.js to include cordova.windowsphone.js
>> - add visual studio link to cordova-js output pkg version
>> Run tests, debug, fix, rebuild, retest...
>> With this setup, I can modify cordova-js, rebuild and retest, as well
>> as do the same on the native side.
>> Fwiw, I don't think there is a generic solution. Any sim link idea you
>> have is likely gonna fail in windows, and this will ultimately make
>> things more difficult for someone. I could be wrong.
>> Cheers,
>>   Jesse
>> Sent from my iPhone5
>> On 2013-02-25, at 11:15 AM, Michal Mocny <> wrote:
>> How do other devs test mobile spec locally?
>> Specifically, how do you set up your repo to test with your working
>> cordova.js version, in a way that you can make changes to mobile-spec
>> tests, push local changes merge changes coming from remote.
>> I'm always overriding/clearing/overriding the default cordova.js file in
>> order to test/merge/push etc.
>> Proposal:
>> I change the current cordova.js file to: If a local cordova.PLATFORM.js
>> file exists, load that.  Otherwise, load cordova-VERSION.js the way we do
>> now.
>> Then, all you have to do is create a local symlink to your cordova.js and
>> never add that file to your git commits.
>> Or, do others already have a good solution?
>> -Michal

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