Created the issue here:

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 3:40 PM, Michael Brooks <>wrote:

>  When I google for cordova documentation, I'm usually taken to an old version
>> (say, 2.1.0).
> This has also been a problem with the PhoneGap documentation.
> Eventually, the doc generator will be rewritten and we should definitely
> keep this issue in mind.
> It would be nice to have a short-term solution though. I like the idea of
> adding some JavaScript inspection and rendering a small flash message at
> the top. I'll create a JIRA issue for this.
> Also, I took a look at how some other projects do it (like python) and they
>> just use a single url for "latest" and only create custom version-based
>> urls for previous releases.  (And since they link to latest more often
>> than
>> to specific releases, I guess it naturally ranks higher)
> Yup, I think the "latest" directory or storing the latest release in the
> root directory should be a long-term solution for the rewritten generator.
> The documentation URL in the MIDDLE of still points to
>> the 2.4.0 docs.  The one on the bottom correctly points to 2.5.0. Couldn't
>> all links just point to the LATEST version of the docs and have the server
>> just handle the redirection via symlink?
> I noticed this as well and updated the generator. That documentation link
> is now generated from the latest release version, so there is no need to
> manually update it.
> On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Marc Fielding <
>> wrote:
>> To follow on to this point:
>> The documentation URL in the MIDDLE of still points
>> to the 2.4.0 docs.  The one on the bottom correctly points to 2.5.0.
>> Couldn't all links just point to the LATEST version of the docs and have
>> the server just handle the redirection via symlink?
>> Thanks,
>> Marc

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