Hello everyone,

I made a quick prototype to add support for using ripple from the
cordova-cli [1].

Currently I just added a new command called ripple that calls the cordova
emulate command and then starts the ripple server to point to it.  It will
then launch the default browser (cross platform) which will launch your App
in ripple.  This does not require the plugin to be installed as Ripple is
functioning as a proxy / web app.

I have a question on how to handle this command:

- Should this be a flag on the "cordova emulate" command?

The Command could ether be:

cordova serve <platform> [port] --ripple


cordova ripple <platform> [port]

There are also a couple of todos:

- Ripple needs to be published to npm and we should install it via that,
currently I am just cloning via git.  This will happen soon and is just a
temp hack.
- Ripple is currently starting its own server, we should allow the "cordova
emulate" middleware to be usable by ripple
- Ripple should allow us to pick the device we want to launch on.  If I
launch using blackberry I shouldn't have ripple emulate an iPhone.


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