I like the 'master' version suggestion.

Implementation details aside - this could be a packaging artifact (coho?)
that puts a file with the current branch-hash in it.

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 7:46 AM, Ian Clelland <iclell...@chromium.org> wrote:

> From cordova-dev, hash 125dca5:
> > Incrememnting the version can be done on the branch, right? This doesn't
> need to be added back to master.
> I think that generally the answer to that commit message should be 'yes',
> we shouldn't be making the claim that the master branch represents any
> particular version of cordova.
> If the files in the master branch were going to have a version at all, it
> would be something like '2.7.0-prerelease', to indicate what the code is
> going to become. After some discussions here, though, I think it is
> probably best just to change the versions of all of the files to 'master'
> -- to have that be the permanent revision number for the master branch.
> (The only reason I can think to have a version associated with those files
> is so that people reporting bugs can say "I'm running this version".
> However, if they're running files checked out of the master branch on
> github, then we need to know more specifically what commit they're using.
> It would be far more useful for them to be able to say "It's version
> master-20130402", or to include the commit hash, as "master-5a6b48a", than
> a general "2.7.0-pre".)
> Ian

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