
I'am writing an iOS app using phonegap and I like understand who change UI
language to default components, for example in camera interation buttons...

I use this code to call a camera and take an photo:

// Capture image using Cordova API
        navigator.device.capture.captureImage( function ( mediaFiles ) {
            // SUCCESS CALLBACK
            console.log('AppModel.captureImage SUCCESS');
            _self.set({ imgid: (new Date().getTime()).toString(16),
captured: mediaFiles[0], captureStatus: 'success' });
        }, function ( error ) {
            // ERROR CALLBACK
            console.log('AppModel.captureImage ERROR ' + error.code);
            _self.set({ imgid: null, captured: null, captureStatus: 'error
' + error.code });
        }, {
            // CONFIGURATIONS
            quality: 50,
            limit: 1

But all buttons are in English language and I want change it for language
used in Device... Is it possible?


Hedcler Morais

Telefone: +55 11 9 5945-4331
MSN: hedc...@msn.com
GTalk: hedclermor...@gmail.com
Skype: hedcler

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