Prompted by CB-3327, I've been looking again at the implementation of the
Logger plugin and how it interacts with the native JS console object.

>From what I can see, the current situation is this:

* We have a Logger plugin, which will *either* log using native code, or
using the console object, depending on the state of logger.useConsole. It
will not do both.

* We also have a console-via-logger plugin, which will log using the
console object, or using *both* JS console and the Logger plugin, depending
on console.useLogger.

* If console.useLogger and logger.useConsole are *both* true, then errors
are thrown all around.

* Also, console-via-logger appears to be unused, because it is never mapped
to console. (No calls to moduleMapper reference that plugin, and there are
no references to it anywhere in cordova-js/lib). I suspect that it is never
used at all.

(There used to be a *third* iOS-only DebugConsole plugin, but I removed
that about a month ago)

This is a mess.

At this point, unless anyone objects, I intend to simplify things greatly
by allowing the Logger plugin to log to *both* the JS console and native
code. console-via-logger can then be removed, or made into a no-op, as


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