A lot of work is being put into breaking out the plugins into individual
repositories, as a prep for 3.0. One of my goals on this project is to
ship a Cordova for 3.0 that allows users to compose a cordova application
shell with whatever plugins they wish, including the core APIs. This way
users don't need to bundle all core APIs (and related permissions, etc.)
with every app they build.

So just a friendly reminder that, if you are patching a particular core
API, be it javascript or native code, please remember to also patch the
plugin repository with the same commit. I understand it can be a bit of
pain to double-up your work, but this should be a temporary thing that
will no longer be necessary post-3.0.

Related to this: if anyone is curious about what the cordova libraries
will look like for 3.0, there are long-lived 3.0 branches being worked on
on all the main cordova implementations (android, blackberry, iOS, and the
windows phones) where the core APIs are being ripped out, and any weird
coupling between API code and the underlying framework is being slowly
teased out.

Thank you! :)


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