On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 7:41 PM, Andrew Grieve <agri...@chromium.org> wrote:

> "null" could be interpreted as a relative URL I think. The current handling
> of relative URLs by plugins is sadly plugin-specific.

Isn't that one of the things that DataResource is supposed to standardize?

The string "null" is certainly a relative URL, and all plugins should
interpret that as one. The empty string is a relative url as well. (See the
'image src=""' problem). DataResource should probably handle relative URLs;
that seems like a deficiency if it can't.

We shouldn't be representing the JavaScript null value as "null", or as "",
though. I don't think there's any rational reason to support new Media() as
a construct. Media is fairly clearly documented as taking two required
parameters, and two optional ones. I don't think Media() makes sense -- it
doesn't give you a useful object. The calls to Media() are likely just in
mobile-spec, and we should clean those up.

> On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Braden Shepherdson <bra...@chromium.org
> >wrote:
> > The automated tests for Media frequently call new Media() with no URL,
> > which sends a null to the "create" action. In the past, this got turned
> > into the string "null" in Java, which was handled as a file named "null"
> > that didn't exist, and nothing crashed.
> >
> > DataResource is fine with the files not existing, but it's not fine with
> > "null" as a filename since it neither has a URL scheme nor is it an
> > absolute path.
> >
> > Is there a reason why new Media() should work rather than throwing
> > IllegalArgumentExceptions for trying to read files with relative paths?
> > Should I detect and gracefully handle null being given as the media URL
> in
> > Javascript? In Java? Should I instead change the mobile-spec tests to use
> > "file:///dummy" or similar?
> >
> > Braden
> >

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